Kasich, Huckabee, Gilmore ready ads they're owed after Trump's SNL appearance
11/27/2015   CBS News
Republican U.S. presidential candidate Ohio Governor John Kasich speaks at the 2016 U.S. Republican presidential candidates debate held by CNBC in Boulder, Colorado, October 28, 2015. REUTERS/Rick Wilking - RTX1TPYS

John Kasich, Mike Huckabee and Jim Gilmore will be running national security ads free of charge to their campaigns on NBC affiliate stations starting Friday.

NBCUniversal recently agreed to give GOP presidential candidates 12 minutes of free time, in accordance with FCC requirements following Donald Trump's appearance on "Saturday Night Live" earlier this month.

NBC News had said that the time would be allocated on 18 NBC affiliate stations in the key early voting states of Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina during primetime hours Friday and Saturday and during "Saturday Night Live."

The Kasich campaign will be using the time to run his first national ad. Speaking directly to the camera, Kasich says, "America needs to assemble a coalition of our friends in Europe and our friends in the Middle East to destroy ISIS. We destroy them in the name of humanity. And if we come together we will absolutely secure a better future for our country. "

Huckabee, in his ad, praises French President Francois Hollande for his actions after the Paris attacks, at the expense of President Obama, who, he says in the spot, "demanded open borders, declared war on Republicans, and lectured us on what being a Christian means." Here's the ad he's running: 

And Jim Gilmore, who has registered under one percent consistently in polls over the last couple of months, slaps at the frontrunners and the senators in the race in his ad, arguing, "We can't trust our safety to Washington politicians--or inexperienced amateurs." He goes on to say that his background in Army intelligence and role as the chairman of a terrorism commission make him a more suitable presidential candidate.

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