Republican Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson just handed opponent Russ Feingold the keys to the election in November. It's the perfect storm of stupid on Johnson's part. He trashed Social Security in front of a Koch group, Americans for Prosperity, and called it a "legal Ponzi scheme." Oh, but there's more.
Speaking to a local branch of the Koch brothers-backed group, Americans for Prosperity, Johnson said that he supported privatizing Social Security, but the public was not yet ready for the idea.
"Currently, politically, you can't do it,” Johnson said at the June 3 meeting in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. (The Huffington Post obtained an audio recording of Johnson's remarks.)
"We've got to convince more of our fellow citizens that Social Security really is—and by the way, I was wrong when I said this in 2010, I said it's a Ponzi scheme,” Johnson continued. "Ponzi schemes are illegal. So, Social Security is — it's a legal Ponzi scheme.”
Yep, Ron Johnson is actually dumb enough to say out loud, in an election year, in Wisconsin, with Russ Feingold as his opponent, that he wants to privatize Social Security. Your move, Mr. Feingold.
"Sen. Johnson should be out listening to Wisconsin's seniors who want their leaders to protect Social Security,” Feingold's campaign spokesman Michael Tyler said in an emailed statement, "but he's clearly more focused on serving the billionaires funding his reelection bid and multi-millionaires like himself.”
Feingold's campaign web site says the candidate believes "Social Security benefits should never be cut, they should be expanded.”
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