Experience: House: District 11, 2008-Present
Home State: Ohio
Running: President, United States, 2016
Total Raised: $492,645Coverage End: Thursday, June 30, 2016
Winning: Won with 0.00%
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    Full Name: Marcia L. Fudge
    Gender: Female
    Family: Single
    Birth Date: 10/29/1952
    Birth Place: Cleveland, OH
    Home City: Warrensville Heights, OH
    Religion: Christian


    JD, Cleveland Marshall College of Law, Cleveland State University, 1983
    BS, Business Administration, Ohio State University, 1980

Political Experience

    Representative, United States House of Representatives, District 11, 2008-present
    Director, Budget Commission, Cuyahoga County
    Won Special Election, United States House of Representatives, November 18, 2008
    Mayor, Warrensville Heights, 2000-2007

Current Legislative Committees

    Education and the Workforce, Member
    Subcommittee on Biotechnology, Horticulture, and Research, Member
    Subcommittee on Department Operations, Oversight and Nutrition, Ranking Member
    Subcommittee on Early Childhood, Elementary and Secondary Education, Ranking Member
    Subcommittee on Nutrition, Member
    Subcommittee on Workforce Protections, Member

Caucuses/Non-Legislative Committees

    Chair, Congressional Black Caucus, 2012-present
    Member, Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus, present
    Member, Congressional Caucus for Women's Issues, present
    Member, Congressional Diabetes Caucus, present
    Member, Congressional Military Family Caucus, present
    Member, Congressional Rock and Roll Caucus, present
    Member, Northeast-Midwest Congressional Coalition, present
    Member, Congressional Progressive Caucus, present

Professional Experience

    Solo Practitioner
    Former Law Clerk
    Deputy County Auditor, Estate Tax Department
    Director, Personal Property Tax Department
    Chief of Staff, United States Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs Jones, 1998-2000

Religious, Civic, and other Memberships

    Young Democrats of America, present
    Member, Greater Cleveland Alumnae Chapter, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated, present
    Board Member, Alcoa Aluminum
    Board Member, Cleveland Public Library
    Former Member, Executive Committee, Cuyahoga County Mayors and Managers
    Board Member, Judge Lloyd O. Brown Scholarship Committee
    Member, Zion Chapel Baptist Church
    Co-Chair, National Social Action Commission, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, 2000-2004
    National President, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated, 1996-2000

Additional Information


    Inductee, Alumni Hall of Fame, Shaker Heights High School, 2003;
    Municipal Leader of the Year, Northeast Ohio Municipal Leader Magazine, 2007;
    Who's Who in Black Cleveland, 2004-2005, 2005-2006;
    Patricia Roberts Harris Medallion (National) Award for Excellence in Government Service, 2007;
    Member, American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) Mission-Israel, 2008;
    Trailblazer of the Year Award, Norman S. Minor Bar Association, 2005;
    Russell T. Adrine Citizen of the Year Award, 2005
General Survey
Issue Title Candidate's Answers
1. Abortion is a woman's unrestricted right

Strongly Support
2. Stricter punishment reduces crime

3. Marijuana is a gateway drug
4. Higher taxes on the wealthy

Strongly Support
5. Stimulus better than market-led recovery

Strongly Support
6. Vouchers for school choice

Strongly Oppose
7. Make voter registration easier

Strongly Support
8. Prioritize green energy

Strongly Support
9. Avoid foreign entanglements
10. Expand the military

No Opinion
11. Support & expand free trade

Strongly Oppose
12. Support American Exceptionalism
13. Absolute right to gun ownership

Strongly Oppose
14. Expand ObamaCare

Strongly Support
15. Pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens

No Opinion
16. EPA regulations are too restrictive

17. Keep God in the public sphere

Strongly Support
18. Legally require hiring more women & minorities

Strongly Support
19. Comfortable with same-sex marriage

Strongly Support
20. Privatize Social Security

Strongly Oppose
Total: 78
Introduced Date Bill Number Bill Title Last Action
05/05/2017 H.R.2239 Breaking Addiction Act of 2017 05/05/2017 Referred to the Subcommittee on Health.  (All Actions)
05/04/2017 H.R.2328 Low-Income Sewer and Water Assistance Program Act of 2017 05/04/2017 Referred to the Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment.  (All Actions)
03/03/2017 H.Res.161 Recognizing the 100th anniversary of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, the world's largest organization of food and nutrition professionals. 03/03/2017 Referred to the Subcommittee on Health.  (All Actions)
02/07/2017 H.R.952 Food Donation Act of 2017 02/07/2017 Referred to the House Committee on Education and the Workforce.  (All Actions)
01/13/2017 H.Con.Res.9 Expressing the sense of Congress that a day should be designated as "National Voting Rights Act Mobilization Day". 01/13/2017 Referred to the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.  (All Actions)
09/22/2016 H.R.6143 To amend the Safe Drinking Water Act to require the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency to publish revised guidance for school officials seeking to reduce exposure to lead from drinking water in schools, and for other purposes. 09/22/2016 Referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce.  (All Actions)
09/22/2016 H.Res.888 Expressing support for designation of September as "National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month". 09/22/2016 Referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce.  (All Actions)
09/19/2016 H.R.5738 Stronger Together School Diversity Act of 2016 09/19/2016 Referred to the Subcommittee on Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education.  (All Actions)
09/19/2016 H.R.4661 Parent PLUS Loan Improvement Act of 2016 09/19/2016 Referred to the Subcommittee on Higher Education and Workforce Training.  (All Actions)
09/15/2016 H.Con.Res.153 Expressing the sense of Congress that a day should be designated as "National Voting Rights Act Mobilization Day". 09/15/2016 Referred to the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.  (All Actions)
02/12/2016 H.R.4542 Low Income Sewer and Water Assistance Program Act of 2016 02/12/2016 Referred to the Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment.  (All Actions)
11/16/2015 H.R.2155 Community STEM Learning Act of 2015 11/16/2015 Referred to the Subcommittee on Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education.  (All Actions)
11/16/2015 H.R.2065 Go to High School, Go to College Act 11/16/2015 Referred to the Subcommittee on Higher Education and Workforce Training.  (All Actions)
09/17/2015 H.Res.427 Honoring the life, accomplishments, and legacy of Congressman Louis Stokes. 09/17/2015 Referred to the House Committee on House Administration.  (All Actions)
04/29/2015 H.R.193 Core Opportunity Resources for Equity and Excellence Act of 2015 04/29/2015 Referred to the Subcommittee on Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education.  (All Actions)
04/24/2015 H.R.1988 Breaking Addiction Act of 2015 04/24/2015 Referred to the Subcommittee on Health.  (All Actions)
11/17/2014 H.R.5590 Go to High School, Go to College Act 11/17/2014 Referred to the Subcommittee on Higher Education and Workforce Training.  (All Actions)
11/17/2014 H.R.5001 Core Opportunity Resources for Equity and Excellence Act of 2014 11/17/2014 Referred to the Subcommittee on Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education.  (All Actions)
11/17/2014 H.R.4765 Fit for Life Act of 2014 11/17/2014 Referred to the Subcommittee on Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education.  (All Actions)
09/19/2014 H.R.5591 Transportation Connections to Opportunity Act of 2014 09/19/2014 Referred to the Subcommittee on Highways and Transit.  (All Actions)
Total: 1517
Date Bill Number Bill Title Result Vote
08/19/2009 H.R.3401 Improving Assistance to Domestic and Sexual Violence Victims Act of 2009
08/19/2009 H.Con.Res.165 Expressing support for temporary protected status for Haitian nationals currently residing in the United States, and for other purposes.
08/19/2009 H.R.3154 Enhanced Violent Crime Community Policing Act of 2009
08/07/2009 H.R.2245 New Frontier Congressional Gold Medal Act Passed Yea
07/31/2009 H.R.3486 Short Sea Shipping Act of 2009
07/31/2009 H.R.3469 Timely Due Process for People with Disabilities Act of 2009
08/03/2009 H.R.3047 Balancing Act of 2009
08/03/2009 H.J.Res.12 Expressing support for designation of September 2009 as "Gospel Music Heritage Month" and honoring gospel music for its valuable and longstanding contributions to the culture of the United States.
07/31/2009 H.Res.720 Commending Serena Williams for her victory in the 2009 Wimbledon Women's Singles Championship and the 2009 Wimbledon Doubles Championship.
07/31/2009 H.Res.715 Recognizing the 70th anniversary of the Soviet and Nazi invasion of Poland and the pivotal role Poland has assumed at freedom's edge since gaining independence.
07/31/2009 H.R.3408 Taxpayer Responsibility, Accountability, and Consistency Act of 2009
07/31/2009 H.R.3404 Emergency Unemployment Compensation Extension Act of 2009
07/31/2009 H.R.3328 Gandhi-King Scholarly Exchange Initiative Act of 2009
07/30/2009 H.R.1826 Fair Elections Now Act
07/29/2009 H.R.3380 Promoting Lending to America's Small Businesses Act of 2009
07/28/2009 H.R.3355 Older Driver and Pedestrian Safety and Roadway Enhancement Act of 2009
07/27/2009 H.R.2632 Korean War Veterans Recognition Act Passed Yea
07/23/2009 H.R.3286 Alzheimer's Breakthrough Act of 2009
07/23/2009 H.R.2932 Stop Very Unscrupulous Loan Transfers from Underprivileged countries to Rich, Exploitive Funds Act
07/23/2009 H.R.2920 Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Act of 2009 Passed Yea
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